How to join an educational Twitter chat.

After joining Twitter, I noticed some of the educators I was following kept hashtagging #___chat. I clicked on it and I didn’t realise that I had joined a Twitter chat!

It really is that easy to join a Twitter chat. Start by finding a chat that interests you. Here are a list of some of the most popular:

#edtechchat : Mondays 8pm EST
#flipclass: Mondays 8pm EST
#edchat: Tuesdays 7pm EST
#spedchat: Tuesdays 9pm EST
#STEMchat: Tuesdays 9pm EST
#ntchat: Wednesdays 8pm EST
#ptchat: Wednesdays 9pm EST
#gtchat: Fridays 7pm EST
#satchat: Saturdays 7:30am EST
#21edchat: Sundays 8pm EST

When you have found the chat you want, log in at the set time and begin by just watching the chat. The leader of the chat will post questions every few minutes (starting with Q1).

As soon as you feel confident to contribute (and do – it’s great to share ideas) tweet your answer. Remember to start with A1 (answer and the question number you are on) and don’t forget to include the chat hashtag at the end. E.g.

A word of warning: Twitter chats are public. Don’t put anything that you wouldn’t want your colleagues or students to see.

Let me know how your chats go. Comment below.


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