Develop ICT And Geographical Skills With This Interesting Lesson

I recently did an interesting lesson which combined my student’s ICT and geographical skills.

Challenging the students, I posed the problem,

Can you map out the WIFI coverage of the school?


My pupils got into teams and then picked a floor to work on. They then used their mapping knowledge to create a plan of all the rooms and corridors in the school.

Next they came up with a WIFI key to show the strength of the signal or whether there were any blackspots. I showed them this WIFI strength image to support them:

Finally, walking around the school with their iPads, they shaded the signal level of the different areas.

Here are a few examples of the results:


During the plenary of the lesson, the students had to investigate why some areas were stronger than others and why there were some blackspots. At the end, I asked them to come up with ideas of where they could move routers to make coverage greater.

Have a go with your students. It certainly got them thinking and developed a range of problem solving skills too. Let me know how you get on by commenting below.


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