Guest Blog Post: How To Develop Your Study Skills.

Studying can be difficult without the right guidance. Learning methods to manage your time, condense your study material and optimize how you process information can greatly help with developing your study skillset.

Even small hints and tips can assist. For example, a simple brain stimulation trick is to chew gum while you study at home. When you are in an exam situation, chew gum again and it can help to jog your memory. The science behind this is that gum is known to increase a person’s heart rate and their blood pressure. This in turn works by sending more blood to your brain and improving your memory.

Time management is another area where skills can be developed by putting a benchmark system in place. A good benchmark to stick to is 30 minutes of block study at a time and then taking a short 5 minute break. This is much better than spending hours on end pouring over the books, which can be very inefficient as we lose concentration quickly.

One of the most important things to learn when trying to improve your study skill set is to never pull ‘All-Nighters’ as they are not effective when it comes to optimum study. Unfortunately, 3 out of 5 college students stay up to study all night at some point, but this practice is linked with lower grades.

For more study tips, see the graphic produced by Study Medicine Europe :

Developing Study Skills

Want to make your own graphic?  Check out the Piktochart tutorial from EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS by clicking here.


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