Guest post: How to Encourage Your Child’s Interest in a STEM Subject

STEM teaching

Hopefully, your kids are getting a great, well-rounded education in a range of subjects like science, technology, engineering, and math at school: but for most kids, school classes alone aren’t enough to instil a lifelong interest in these subjects. If your child is showing an interest in a STEM subject, then the good news for parents is that there are a lot of easy ways to encourage your child and help to foster a greater love of learning and exploration for it.

STEM Doesn’t Have to Be ‘Love it or Leave it’:

Most kids seem to think that when it comes to STEM subjects, they can either love them or hate them – but actually, as a parent, you can help your child understand that there is a middle ground and that STEM subjects may actually be a lot more fun than your child thought. Encouraging your child to find what they are actually interested in when it comes to STEM – even if they’re not the biggest fan of all science, technology, engineering, and math subjects – can go a long way in helping them feel more comfortable and get better at the aspects of these subjects that they actually enjoy or are interested in.

Fun and Games:

For kids, one of the best things about STEM subjects is that they can actually be a lot of fun. And, today there are more and more toys, games, and other fun things aimed at younger people to help foster an interest in STEM subjects, such as this STEM Skillastics. If your child has an interest in programming, you can find websites and apps aimed at kids to teach them how to make their own games and other fun software programs in a child-friendly and entertaining way, and they’ll also feel a great sense of achievement from showing off what they’ve made to their family and friends. When it comes to science, there are many fun-filled experiments you can do as a family. When you take away the tests and exams, STEM subjects can easily be a fun hobby for kids, rather than just a school subject. There are plenty of STEM activities and toys available, so look around online if you need some ideas.

Applying STEM to Everyday Life:

At home, there are plenty of ways that you can apply STEM to everyday life, making it more fun for your kids, easier to understand, and taking away the pressure of performing well in tests. In addition, kids who get to apply their STEM knowledge and skills to everyday life will usually feel more comfortable with it in school and may see their grades improve as a result. For example, cooking with your child can be a great way to teach them about important life skills and include STEM at the same time. Food science is a great way to come up with fun experiments you can enjoy eating at the end; your kitchen can be an amazing place to learn chemistry, practice math skills, and learn plant anatomy.

If you’re the parent of a child who’s interested in a STEM subject, there are many things that you can do to help them foster and cultivate this interest – and even turn it into a passion.


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