Promotional Post: An amazing platform which uses virtual reality to participate in lectures, interact with other students, view galleries, and visit various locations around the world.


ENGAGE is a new free to use education and presentation platform that seeks to transform how people share ideas and teach lessons to each other globally by harnessing the power of virtual reality technologies such as the Oculus Rift & HTC Vive.

Engage is a social learning platform where educators will be furnished with the tools they need to enable them to create their own lesson plans and immersive experiences transforming how educational content is delivered to their students.

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Engage also enables people and businesses to connect in a more intimate way by placing you inside the meeting room and allowing users to collaborate using tools such as our interactive white board system. The Engage platform is also Dropbox and One Drive compatible meaning you can share all your files and media inside a virtual environment.  PowerPoints, video files, audio files and spreadsheets have never been more easy to share. You can even share YouTube videos.

Engage is a multi-user system allowing up to 30 users into a single private lesson or meeting from any location to experience content in a more enhanced way with our “ Immersive FX “ presenter system. This system allows the host to stream in virtual assets that can be interacted with to make presentations and lessons more fun and intuitive. You can also change the digital environment instantly bringing users on a field trip to exotic locations like our Martian surface environment.

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Engage also allows educators and presenters to record their classes and lessons so they can edit them later and publish them on the platform. We call this system “Projected Presence “. Projected Presence allows the presenter or educator to record themselves as they give a lecture or presentation. Projected Presence records their Voice, their Avatar’s movements, and their projected media. Users can then sit down and watch themselves present and if they are happy with the results they can publish their projected presence for the public to enjoy.

Projected presence can also allow you to be in multiple places at once. If you want to provide live talk in more than one room at the same time your avatar can be beamed into multiple rooms to thousands of people giving the illusion that you attended each room personally to talk directly to the users within.

This early preview release of the Engage platform is just a small part of what is to come as we test out some of our network features and streaming capabilities. We are rapidly developing and updating the system over the next few months and want to hear from educational institutes, digital content creators and business wanting take the next big steam in digital media and Engage directly with their clients and students.


What’s included with ENGAGE 0.2?

Along with all the tools we have created we have also included some example lessons and media that show some of the possible content types that our users will be able to create for themselves in the future.

  • Mars Curiosity Mission

This is an example of a fully immersive lesson. This small mini mission follows the Curiosity Rover as it lands on the surface of Mars. Once it has landed you can interact with the rover to learn more about its mission or you can freely explore the Martian surface and find other Martian rovers.

  • Immersive Lectures

In our Lecture Hall and Pier environments we have added two examples of Projected Presence lessons where you will be taught about the early days of sciences and how to sink a target using a simple ballistic trajectory equation.

  • Titanic & World War 1 3D Galleries

The Engage platform is not only for presentations and lessons it can also be utilized by artists and photographers to showcase their works to the world. We have created 2 example galleries for you to explore. Both galleries use stereoscopic images which look 3D when viewed inside VR. This gallery area will be available for members of the public to display their own works in the very near future.

  • Virtual Spaces

We have included some of our virtual spaces in this early release which you are welcome to use for you own private or public meetings and classes. Included are the Meeting Room, Lecture Hall, Dino Beach, Shallow Water, Moon Base, Martian Surface, Gallery Space and Hub Spaces. Some spaces have interactive whiteboards and video screens for streaming content.

  • Streaming Services

This early build will allow you to stream in video content from YouTube and also link to your Drop

box and Microsoft One Drive accounts. Any public links you create from any of the above content platforms can be displayed inside Engage and streamed to all users in the same area. Further options will become available in the coming months.

  • Custom IK Avatar System

The real advantage of using virtual reality as a delivery method for content is the sense of presence ( being in a real location talking to real people virtually ). Utilizing HTCs Vive and Oculus Touch hand tracking system we have created an avatar system that will give additional presence so that users really feel like they are interacting with real people, in essence because they are.

  • Immersive Video

We have included 2 examples of Immersive Video where we stream in YouTube content and enhance it with our IFX system. The examples included are a dinosaur video and shark video from YouTube channel SciShow.

Some examples:

This is just the first step, we are building a tool that will allow users all around the world to work and learn together. We do hope you enjoy this early prototype build.

If you would like to learn more, please contact:


Team @ Immersive VR Education

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