5 Essential Resources To Teach Programming Remotely

5 Essential Resources To Teach Programming Remotely

There are several essential resources to teach programming remotely. Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges for teachers of every subject. Indeed, many STEM educators are struggling to keep their students engaged without hands-on interaction in the classroom. As a computer science teacher, you need to know the most effective tools to teach coding to your students. With the right platforms and tools, you can keep your students connected to your lessons and even provide hands-on experiences. This way, you can continue to inspire the next generation of technological innovators. Read on to learn about the most essential resources to teach programming remotely.

Online Video Courses

First, online video courses are a great resource you can use to improve your students’ virtual computer science learning experiences. Fortunately, many websites offer free videos to teach code. Often, these are organized into recommended age groups as well. Whether you’re teaching pre-readers or teenagers, there are many accessible project lessons. For example, some websites offer structured video lessons to teach animation, musical compositions, and sensory video projects. In addition, many courses come with integrated tools and platforms for your students to practice coding as well. To get started on these sites, you typically need to set up an account. Of course, different resources may have tiered pricing options, depending on which tools you’re looking for.

Docker Container Tutorials

Next, Docker container tutorials are a great resource to teach more advanced students. Often geared towards higher education, students can use these instructional videos to learn how to use enterprise-ready tools. Notably, many development companies use advanced container registries to store their Docker images and files. For example, a Docker container registry by JFrog allows professionals to set up a fully automated production pipeline. In addition, they can manage their development, vulnerability analysis, and artifact control procedures. By exposing your students to this widely used technology, you can help improve their code management skills. Of course, this increases their chances of getting hired by development enterprises who use these tools as well.

Article Libraries

More so, many organizations also provide article libraries to expand your learners’ programming knowledge. Many platforms vet their sources, so you know you’re exposing your students to reputable content. In addition, many of these articles are available for free online for learners of all ages. Like video courses, articles are typically organized by age group or reading level for easy access. In addition, many of these resources come with practice question sets and quizzes as well. These are great tools to check your students’ comprehension. Of course, you can also use these to satisfy your curriculum’s homework or grading requirements. Absolutely, article libraries are great resources to strengthen your students’ computer science background knowledge.

Robotics Kits

Moreover, robotics kits are a great, interactive resource for teaching coding remotely. Notably, there are many different types of kits that you can use, depending on your students’ interests. For example, there are robotics kits that allow students to build motherboards and program them. Other kits provide building blocks for students to build bots before they code their movements. Additionally, some robotics kits for younger students read marker paths to code their actions. This is a great hands-on tool for students with cross-interests in the arts. Fortunately, many robotics kits come as small packages. This way, you can mail or deliver them to your students who are learning remotely. Definitely, robotics is an incredibly engaging, fun, hands-on approach for students to learn coding from home.

Enrichment Games

Lastly, enrichment games are another valuable resource to introduce coding principles to your remote students. Many web applications, software systems, and sites, use games to engage students while teaching logical problem-solving. For example, some block-based gaming software includes logic-based puzzles to introduce students to working in a coding environment. In addition, some kids eLearning programs use a drag-and-drop editor to generate code for game designs and animations. By completing game challenges, students can improve their systematic problem-solving skills while having fun. Of course, they are also better-equipped to tackle more advanced programming projects in the future.

There are several essential resources to teach programming remotely. First, online video courses can offer valuable lessons and digital projects for students of all age groups. Next, article libraries are a great resource to build your learners’ computer science background knowledge. In addition, Docker container tutorials offer advanced higher education students valuable exposure to enterprise-level tools. Moreover, robotics kits are a great hands-on learning technology that you can tailor to your students’ interests. Lastly, enrichment games are a fun, engaging, and interactive tool to build foundational skills. Integrate these essential resources in your virtual classroom to teach programming remotely.


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