Transition Tech Tools To Get To Know Your New Class.

This week, it’s been ‘move-up morning’ in my school, in which the children went to meet their new teacher.  How do you engage the children whilst getting to know them?  I found the perfect tech tools.

Firstly we played a few ‘get to know you’ games:

  • Two truths and a lie: Each pupil has to say 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves.  The rest of the class has to guess which one was the lie.
  • Okey-pokey: Sit the class in a circle, blindfold a child and stand them in the middle.  They hold a stick of rolled up card and after being spun around by the teacher, they point it at someone.  The child in front grabs it and says ‘okey-pokey’ in a disguised voice.  The person in the middle has to guess who it is (they get 3 tries).


  • Who am I? Pin a well-known person (i.e. Justin Bieber) to the back of each child.  The children must go around and ask each other questions about who is on their back.

Next we made ‘All About Me’ posters using the website (also available on the App Store).

How do you use Canva?

Watch my video tutorial to find out how to use Canva:

Here is an example one of my students made:

Canva poster making for the classroom

After the posters were finished, we wrote targets for the year using this sheet as a template. In each of the sections, the students wrote an English, maths, science and social target. Click to download the PDF: Target template.

Class Targets

The final thing we did was an online questionnaire using the brilliant website Typeform . Before the ‘move-up morning’, I created a questionnaire with the aim of finding out what and how they liked to learn. Have a look at it: Typeform Questionnaire .

*Typeform also have tons of ready-made surveys which you can quickly adapt to suit your needs.

Here is a basic tutorial I created, explaining how to use Typeform:

The results were really interesting and will help me when planning units and topics. Here are some examples of the feedback you get:

Typeform in the classroom

Typeform in the classroom

In summary, we had a fantastic morning.  The students enjoyed themselves and we got to know each other better.  There were 2 main ways, I would suggest, that technology helped: the quality of the posters and also the feedback from the questionnaires gave me a really good insight into my new class’s learning styles.

Did you have a class swap this year? How did it go? Let me know by commenting below.


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